Mediation in Florida


History of Mediation in Florida


I’m going to Mediation, Now What?


1.     This document is for educational and informational purposes only; it is not intended to replace the need for independent legal advice. 

2.     There is a GLOSSARY 在本文档的最后,这是为了帮助读者.

What is  mediation?

Mediation is a way for people who are having a dispute to talk about their issues and concerns and to make decisions about the dispute with the help of another person (called a mediator). 调解员不能决定谁对谁错,也不能告诉你如何解决你的争议.  In mediation, you can try to find solutions that make sense to you and the other person in the dispute to resolve some or all of your concerns. 

虽然我们的目标是尝试解决一些问题, 你可能会决定最好不要达成协议. Sometimes emotions may be driving the dispute which can make talking to the person or party with whom you are in a dispute difficult.  调解员可以帮助您缓和沟通的方式. The mediator is there as a neutral person to help you focus on solving your dispute; however, 调解员被禁止提供治疗, counseling or legal advice.


Mediation is used by the courts; additionally there are state and local agencies as well as individuals and corporations which use mediation.  当它被法院使用时,它被称为“法院命令调解”.“如果法院命令你们进行调解,而你们无法解决你们的分歧, 你将回到法庭,法官(或陪审团)将为你做出决定. 

What are some advantages to mediation?  

  1. 调解提供了一个与公正的人交谈的机会.  
  2. 你们争论的问题不是由别人决定的(自决).
  3. What you say in mediation is confidential.
  4. The mediator can help 你克服了与你生活中的其他人或一方沟通的障碍 dispute.
  5. Mediation agreements are enforceable.
  6. 调解协议允许你和另一个人或一方就你的争议达成灵活的解决方案.
  7. 调解不是审判,也不是仲裁.
  8. Mediation can save time and costs.
  9. You know what you have agreed to in mediation instead of gambling with what the judge or jury may decide if you go to court.
  10. 调解是一个机会,让我们更深入地了解纠纷产生的原因.
  1. 调解提供了一个机会,让你和那些有问题的人交谈 impartial:      
  2. The issues in your dispute are  不由他人决定(自决): In mediation, you are the “decision maker.调解人帮助你讨论你的担忧,但不能为你做决定.
  3. What you say in mediation is  confidential: Unlike trials and hearings, which are held in public courtrooms, mediations are private and, with a few exceptions, confidential. 如果你的调解是法院命令的或由认证调解员进行的, 有些法律法规要求保密. (See the 调解保密与特权法; sections   44.401 – 44.406, Florida Statutes ).  如果调解是法院命令进行的,则该法始终适用, but the act will also apply in a non-court ordered mediation if either a) the parties agree it will apply or b) it is mediated by a certified mediator. Although not required, 有时调解员可能会要求当事人以书面形式声明他们将对一切保密. 目的是让你和任何人在调解和他们的律师, if any, 谈论法律和非法律问题,而不用担心别人(包括法官)听到. 虽然在调解过程中所说的大多数事情都是保密的,但也有一些例外. (这些例外的三个主要例子是虐待儿童, elder/vulnerable adult abuse, 或者有人说他们正在实施或计划犯罪. 如果您对所有的异常都感兴趣,请参阅章节   44.405(4)(a)(1) – (6), Florida Statutes A signed mediated settlement agreement is not confidential unless the parties agree it will be confidential and the law allows the agreement to be confidential. 相反,该协议可能——在某些情况下必须——被写入法庭档案.
  4. The mediator can help  你克服了与你生活中的其他人或一方沟通的障碍  dispute: 即使你已经试着和对方或一方谈过了, 调解人可以帮助你和另一方倾听对方的意见,让你保持专注. 调解人的作用是帮助双方进行沟通,探讨可能的解决方案.  If you and the other party get stuck, the mediator can sometimes help restart the conversation in a new way and help everyone take another step forward. 
  5. Mediation agreements are  enforceable: If  you reach an agreement in mediation, 该协议必须以书面形式写成,并由双方签字.  书面协议成为具有法律约束力的文件(合同), which is enforceable by the court.
  6. 调解协议允许你和另一个人或一方就你的问题达成灵活的解决方案  dispute: 调解为您提供了一个创造性解决方案的机会.  如果双方都同意,你可以根据你的个人需求达成和解协议.  调解不同于诉讼(审判),诉讼是由法官或陪审团作出最终决定.  通过调解,双方都可以“赢”,这就是所谓的“双赢”局面.
  7. 调解既不是审判,也不是仲裁;  调解既不是审判,也不是仲裁.  In a trial, 当事人提出证据和论据,由法官或陪审团决定纠纷的结果.  Likewise, in arbitration, the parties present evidence and arguments so an arbitrator or panel of arbitrators decides the outcome of a dispute. In mediation, the mediator assists the parties as they talk about their dispute to help them find and explore mutually acceptable resolutions of their dispute.  如果你们在调解中达成了协议,就不必诉诸审判或仲裁. 
  8. Mediation can save time and costs:  因为调解是当事人之间的讨论, 它可以比正式的审判过程快得多. 因此,它也可能比上法庭花费更少——无论是在金钱上还是在压力上. 
  9. You know what you have agreed to in mediation instead of gambling with what the judge or jury may decide if you go to court :  如果你通过调解来解决纠纷,你就不是在赌法官或陪审团会做出什么决定. 在审判中,最终裁决将由法官或陪审团(如果有陪审团)作出。. 目前还不确定审判时将作出什么决定, 但无论你是否同意或喜欢审判结果,你都将受到这个决定的约束. 在调解中,当事人作出决定.
  10. 调解是一个机会,让我们更深入了解纠纷产生的原因: 在调解中,你和对方、调解员以及你的律师(如果你带了律师的话)交谈.  这种互动促进了对导致冲突的行为的更好理解.  有时,当双方理解对方行为的“原因”时, 这有助于产生解决争端的愿望.

What is a mediator?

调解员帮助你与你有争议的一方进行谈判. 调解员不会替你做决定. The mediator is a neutral and impartial guide 帮助你想出可能的解决方案, stay on track, 明确双方同意和不同意的领域.  调解员可以帮助你和另一方从对方的角度看待冲突.

Many kinds of people can be mediators: mental health or business professionals; attorneys; educators; and others. 要获得佛罗里达州最高法院的认证,调解员必须满足许多要求. 佛罗里达州最高法院采用了调解员的道德标准.  参见《拉菲2平台用户登录》第二部分 Florida Rules for Certified & Court-Appointed MediatorsPDF Download.

调解员不是来提供治疗、咨询、商业或法律建议的. 虽然调解是一个很好的地方,可以认识到可能导致纠纷的情绪, 调解人是中立的,帮助你集中精力解决纠纷.

What happens in mediation ?

Court-ordered mediation must begin with an introduction by the mediator explaining the process and the role of the mediator.  Among other things, 调解员应该解释双方当事人作出决定, not the mediator. The mediator’s introduction is usually followed by an opportunity for you and the other party to describe your concerns.  If your lawyer is with you at mediation, these opening remarks may be made by you, your lawyer, or both of you.  在这些初始程序之后,如何进行调解各不相同.  The mediator usually will meet with both parties together to discuss the issues to help you work out your differences.  调解员也可以与双方当事人私下会面.  This separate meeting is called a caucus .  Generally, 除非你允许调解人重复你在会议上说的话, 调解员不得分享讨论的内容. 

If you are represented by a lawyer, 你和你的律师将决定你们两人在调解过程中如何互动.  一些律师指示他们的客户在调解期间不要说话.  If this is your decision with your lawyer it is fine; however, 重要的是你要知道,你可以在任何时候与调解员交谈.

Eventually, 调解将以三种方式之一结束, either: 1) the parties reach an agreement as to some or all issues - all parties (and their lawyers if present) must sign the agreement; 2) the mediator declares an impasse (because you, the other party, or both are unwilling to continue discussing resolution); or 3) the mediator, with the parties’ consent, 通过休庭继续当天的调解会议.  如果调解员宣布在部分或全部问题上陷入僵局, then you and the other party will have to go back to court to have the judge or jury (if there is one) decide your case.

Tips on How to Prepare for a Mediation

Before you attend a mediation, there are a few things you can do to help prepare yourself and to help make the mediation more beneficial to you.

  1. Get legal advice 因为调解员不能给任何当事人提供法律建议, if you are not currently represented by an attorney but you have legal questions about your case (including what your case may be worth or what to accept as a “good” settlement), 你应该在调解前联系律师, 这样你就可以做出明智的决定来解决你的案子. 如果你负担不起,法律援助或佛罗里达律师协会可能会有一个项目来帮助你.
  2. Get organized 浏览你所拥有的所有信息并加以组织. 按事件发生的先后顺序列出可能会有所帮助. 收集所有与你的问题有关的文件,并把它们放在一个文件夹里,以便带到调解现场. 如果你有律师,和你的律师谈谈你的案子和调解. 你的律师可能会为你提供更多关于调解过程中该做什么的信息
  3. Come prepared:  Arrive at the mediation on time.  准备好与争议的另一方对话. 即使你和对方单独谈话有困难, 调解员的作用是帮助沟通. 要了解你要进行调解的大楼的安全规定. 
  4. Understand the dispute:  Get the issues straight in your head. If it helps, write the issues down. 想想哪些事情对你来说是最重要的,哪些是最不重要的.  此外,想想对对方或一方来说什么是最重要的,什么是最不重要的.
  5. Set goals:
    想想你真正需要的是什么来解决案件或纠纷. 设定现实的目标来指导你做决定, 但是要灵活,因为你可能会在调解中得到新的信息,从而改变你的想法.
  6. Get to the mediation on time:  准时到达调解地点是很重要的.  为了准时,你应该考虑一些事情——其中之一就是停车.  在许多建筑物里,很难停车.  提前弄清楚有哪些停车位和费用.  你可能需要在调解或出庭前支付费用.  Arrive in enough time to pay your fees.
  7. Arrange​ for childcare:  如果你有需要照顾的孩子,你应该安排一个临时保姆.  Often courts and other mediation meeting places do not have anyone to care for children and children are generally not allowed in a mediation.



  1. Where can I get more information?
  2. 调解时我需要请律师吗?
  3. My friend/relative is a mediator; may he/she mediate my case?
  4. 我可以带朋友或亲戚一起去调解吗?
  5. 我可以和其他人谈谈调解时说的话吗?
  6. What if we reach agreement at mediation?
  7. 如果我们在调解中无法达成一致怎么办?
  8. 对方已经选定了调解人,我一定要同意吗?
  9. How much does it cost to go to mediation?
  10. How long does a mediation last?
  11. How do I select a mediator?
  12. 如何向调解员提出申诉?
  1. Where can I get more information?  更多信息请浏览本网站.  如果您选择从互联网上获取有关调解的更多信息, please be advised that other states have different rules and only the Florida rules apply to mediation when you are mediating in Florida courts.
  2. 调解时我需要请律师吗?  调解时你不需要请律师. However, 在进行调解之前咨询律师或与律师在一起可能会有所帮助
  3. My friend/relative is a mediator; may he/she mediate my case?  Whether someone may mediate for you depends on the connection that person has to either the case or the people involved in the mediation.  因为调解人必须既中立又公正, the mediator should not have any close connection to anyone in the dispute or anyone participating in the mediation.  如果调解员确实有如此密切的个人或商业关系, (examples: parent, employee, 房东)调解员不得调解该纠纷.  如果连接没有关闭,则中介必须公开该连接. 如果您认识到与调解员有任何联系或关系, 您必须在知道该连接后立即披露该连接.  一旦联系被披露,如果所有当事人同意,调解员可以服务.  
  4. 我可以带朋友或亲戚一起去调解吗?  非当事人(例如:朋友、亲戚、顾问).)只有在各方同意的情况下才可参加调解.  当事人不同意的,非当事人不得参加调解.  Therefore, 在你去调解之前,最好问一下调解人是否可以带人一起去.  任何参加调解的人都必须遵守 confidentiality.  See “ What are some advantages to mediation?”  
  5. 我可以和其他人谈谈调解时说的话吗?  Generally, the rule is that people who attend a mediation may only discuss what is said in a mediation with others who attend the mediation or their attorney
  6. What if we reach agreement at mediation?   在调解中,你可以解决所有的问题,部分问题,或者什么问题也解决不了.  If a full or partial agreement is reached, all resolved issues must be written down and all parties in the dispute and their attorneys (if appearing at the mediation) must sign. 如果只有部分协议,这意味着仍有问题有待法院解决.  Those issues will be addressed in a trial unless they are settled after the mediation but before the trial begins.
  7. 如果我们在调解中无法达成一致怎么办?  如果你们在法院的调解中没有达成协议, 调解员必须向法院报告没有达成协议的事实. The confidentiality rules still apply. 即使你们在调解期间没有达成协议, 你可以在调解后继续设法解决你的案件.  如果你在调解后审判前解决了你的案子, 联系法院询问你需要遵循什么程序. 
  8. 对方已经选定了调解人,我一定要同意吗?
    当事人应共同努力选择调解人.  如果你们不能就调解人的选择达成一致, 法官会为你挑选一位佛罗里达最高法院认证的调解人.  如果你反对由另一方当事人要求或由法院指定的调解员, 有一些程序可以处理你的异议.  如果双方不能达成协议,法院将作出最后裁决.  Please note: 在某些情况下,您无法选择调解员.  For example, if you are using a court program, such as in small claims and family court, 调解员可以由法院或法院程序为您选择 .=
  9. How much does it cost to go to mediation?  调解费用取决于许多因素.  在某些情况下(例如小额索赔),法院免费提供调解员.  In family cases, the amount charged depends on whether the court program provides the mediator or the parties are selecting their own mediator.  If the program provides the mediator, 收取的金额取决于当事人的合计或共同收入. [See section 44.108(2), Florida Statutes].  许多电路免费向父母提供依赖中介服务.  与你的电路调解程序检查,看看是否有这样的服务. 选择私人调解人的当事人应该期望支付市场价格.  The ethical standards for mediators require that the mediator provide a written explanation of any fees and costs prior to the mediation. 调解员可能有最低费用和旅行时间收费, postponements, cancellations, or other expenses.  ( See rule 10.佛罗里达州认证调解员和法院指定调解员规则PDF Download). If the parties do not select a mediator, 法院将选择一名调解员,并设定调解员可能收取的费用.
  10. How long does a mediation last?  调解的时间长短取决于许多因素.  调解时间从半小时到一天或几天不等, 取决于案件的复杂程度或争议各方的数量. 
  11. How do I select a mediator?  调解员不是由法官指定的, when choosing a mediator, 您可能希望考虑任何数量的因素, including the mediator’s background, training, 还有调解的经验或者你的案子.  你也可以考虑一下调解员建议收取的费用. See also Question 9. above. 通过佛罗里达州最高法院认证的所有调解员的调解员数据库可在此网页上找到.  Click here to go to the database. This may help you find a mediator in your area; however, it is not the only way to find a mediator. If you have a lawyer, the lawyer may know many mediators; you can also ask friends or trusted colleagues; or you can visit the websites of statewide organizations. 
  12. 如何向调解员提出申诉?  如果您认为调解员违反了调解员的职业道德标准,您可以 file a grievance with the Dispute Resolution Center.

PLEASE NOTE:  These definitions are provided to assist the reader in understanding the terms used in this document.  They are not “legal” definitions; rather, 这些术语用通俗易懂的英语解释,以尽量确保最大程度的理解.

  • Caucus

调解:调停者与一方当事人在调解中举行的不公开会议.  “Information obtained during caucus may not be revealed by the mediator to any other mediation participant without the consent of the disclosing party.” [ See rule 10.360(b),佛罗里达州认证调解员和法院指定调解员规则PDF Download].

  • 佛罗里达最高法院认证调解员

As of March 2024, there are five certification areas county; circuit; family; dependency; and appellate.

  • Confidentiality

保持讨论和信息的私密性. 除了少数例外,调解是保密的. Unless one of the exceptions applies, 你只能和你的律师讨论调解时发生的事情或所说的话, another person who attended the mediation, or that person’s attorney.

  • Impartiality   

Not showing any favoritism or prejudice.  调解员在任何时候都必须保持公正,不得表现出对一方或另一方的偏爱. 

Other terms you may encounter :

  • Defendant/Respondent

The person being sued.  根据你所在的法院,这些条款可能会有所不同.

  • Guardian ad Litem

A specially trained person appointed by the court to represent the interests of a minor child or incompetent adult party. 监护人代表孩子或成人行事,确保他们的需求得到考虑.

  • Judgment

最后判决:由法官在诉讼结束时作出的最后判决.  Frequently, 判决将决定一个人欠另一个人的钱的数额, 但一项判断也可能包括其他项目.  判决书通常不是保密的,可以从法庭记录中获得.  A judgment is enforceable by the court.

  • Plaintiff/Petitioner/Claimant

The person who is suing.  根据你所在的法院,这些条款可能会有所不同.

  • Pro Se


Last Modified: March 28, 2024